It is coming down to number nine in need of a "Pot Tee Party." (potty training) I was greatly stressed with my first child at this party because her grandmothers just knew she was the smartest baby alive, and she could do it! After that torture, my expectations came down to a more relaxed reality in the area of potty training. With life whirling around me, I would take this in stride and also employ their grandmothers' help in the big milestone event – when miles did not prevent it. (Thank you, Mom & Mom!) Now, my "Mom & Mom" support is far away.
This book giveaway caught my attention over @ Hidden Treasures ! This is Angela's first giveaway, and it's my first time to post about a giveaway. I love helpful books – especially, free ones! I hope I win this drawing so I won't have to buy Potty Training in a Day by Azrin/Foxx. I would really love to have this Pot-Tee Party in less than a day! [UPDATE: I WON THIS BOOK! What I’ve read so far is very helpful!] [UPDATE #2: my little guy went potty on his own today for the first time – June 30!!!!]
Since everything is spiritual, this is a good verse to remember right now. "Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox." -Proverbs 14:4
All the diapers and all the training…
all the nursing and all the praying…
all the cooking and all the cleaning…
all the playing and all the dreaming…
All the work a mother does
costs nothing
compared to priceless love.
© 2011 Jeri Lynn Wilkerson